Are You Ready To Start The First 11 Days Of 2021 With A Consistent Daily Routine That Supercharges You For The Day, Gives You Clarity, And Fuels Your Soul?

FEB 1st - FEB 11th, 2021

Doors close and challenge starts in...

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This 11-Day Challenge With Jungle Man Sam Will Allow You To Start 2021 With Ease & Flow In Your Daily Spiritual Practice.

Because Everything That Manifests In Your Life Starts From Within Your Internal World...

Ready To Tap Into Your Abundance Frequencies?

What Others Are Saying...

Time to Wake Up to Our Full Potential

Most people who have a hard time creating a consistent meditation practice think that they just “aren’t meant to do it”...

...but then find themselves frustrated because they’re trying to control other areas of their life but seem to keep blocking themselves over and over.

Meditation is about going deep within to change the internal stories and patterns, so that we can operate from a place of abundance and simply watch our external world effortlessly manifest into our freedom and flow.

Over time what I’ve realized is that it doesn’t have to be hard. 

We make meditation hard for ourselves because we equate pain with gain. 

But it can be easy, beautiful, and free feeling while you’re in it, because then you’re actually feeling the emotions you want to be feeling! 

So I’ve designed all of my meditations to be exactly that.

The True Power Of A Meditation Practice

Mainstream science is beginning to understand the benefits of meditation, but most people still have a hard time fitting it into their lives. 

They end up suffering still from negative mental and emotional cycles. 

Sometimes people can label you crazy, depressed, or whatever they want, but the truth is that you just might not have found your flow yet, because you don’t fit into their cookie-cutter mold.

That’s why I’ve created this challenge.

This is about completely rewiring the subconscious to no longer attract and expect scarcity, but to create the foundation for abundance in all ways, but especially in Peace, Freedom, and Flow.

What You Will Receive

  • ​11 Days of Video Lessons from Jungle Man Sam ($147 Value)
  • ​10 x Guided Meditation Audio Tracks ($97 Value)
  • ​Complete 2021 Vision Journal ($27 Value)
  • ​Access to the Challenge Community Facebook Group ($47 Value)
Right now, if you sign up for this Morning Meditation Challenge, you will receive trainings, guided audio experiences, and workbooks for EVERY SINGLE DAY through the first 11 days of January 2021.

Not only that, but you will have access to the private Facebook community where I will be providing added motivation and inspiration every day throughout the challenge,

This is also where you can tap into a world-wide tribe of conscious individuals just like you for support and connection.

This opportunity will close on the 31st, so make sure that you sign up now. 

It’s only $7 which is less than half the cost of a book, about the cost of your average smoothie, or maybe falafel… 

It’s incredibly affordable is the point. 

In fact the only reason I’m charging at all is not to make money, I want to give this away, but is to make sure that everyone who enters this container is committed to themselves on some level, to protect the integrity of the space for those who are committed.

So if it feels right for you, don’t wait, sign up now and feel the excitement of diving into your self-love so that you can manifest and incredible year for yourself all starting from the very moment that you wake up every single day.

I’ll see you soon.



Looking for likeminded people to connect with? This challenge will be the greatest way to become a part of a high vibe tribe and feel supported as you raise your vibration.


Trouble finding space for self-love in your busy life? Meditation is one of the most effective ways to retrain the subconscious mind to experience self-worth and self-love.


Struggle with mental and emotional health? Countless studies have shown that a strong meditation practice can be one of the best tools to manage the stresses of modern life.


Finding discipline and changing your habits can be seriously challenging, but it doesn't have to be. It doesn't get easier than following a framework every day with a community of support! 


Clarity will provide so much energy in your life because there will no longer be clouds of confusion and mental blocks that hold back your genius and greatest gifts for you to give to the world.


Looking for likeminded people to connect with? This challenge will be the greatest way to become a part of a high vibe tribe and feel supported as you raise your vibration.

Listen to Tabitha M. speak about her experience in the challenge...



It's Been Hard For You To Fully Commit To Your Meditation Practice & Push Past The Resistance

Sporadic attempts at creating a new habit can turn into a sense of personal failure. When building on their spiritual practice, many people experience internal dialogue that is profoundly negative and focused on failure rather than success, then are discouraged from continuing. This challenge will provide the opportunity to push past that resistance because it will be an entire worldwide tribe meditating together, and because it will be all laid out for you absolutely effortlessly.

You Don't Always Know Where To Start Or What To Do When It Comes To Meditation & Manifestation

Learning to meditate can be confusing when you're all on your own, and no one is there to guide you or show you how to make it work the best for you. With this challenge you will have the support you need to feel strong and clear about your practice, and will no longer need to think "am I doing this right?"

You Feel Like You Sabotage Yourself Whenever You Try To Manifest More Peace, Freedom, & Flow In Your Life

It's pretty common for us to want to shift something within our life, but feel exhausted when we are met with such resistance from the universe every time we try. Peace, Freedom, & Flow doesn't come from trying harder or doing more, it comes from relaxing into your being and becoming authentically connected to yourself.


10x Daily Guided Meditations

High Quality Studio Recordings of Deep Meditation Guidance

Vision Journal

10 Day Journey Into Soul Work With Journal Prompts

Daily Reminders +
Community Support

Support from myself and your worldwide tribe

After much contemplation, I have decided to make this challenge not 100% Free, but an extremely affordable cost.

My reasoning for this is to protect the integrity of the container, and to make sure that everybody who is coming in is fully committed to these practices and to the framework that I have invested countless hours crafting for you. 

You're Getting Access To My Subconscious Reprogramming System

2 years ago I was experiencing the worst mental and emotional health of my entire life.

I was a new father, completely broke, and felt like my career had failed me.

Instead of completely giving up hope, I decided to commit to my practice.

To find consistency in my day so that my emotions would become more stable.

So that my mind would be clear.

So that I would manifest a new situation for my life and family.

Meditation is hard. We all know this.

But what I’ve realized is that it doesn’t have to be hard. 

We make meditation hard for ourselves because we equate pain with gain. 

But it can be easy beautiful and free feeling while you’re in it, because then you’re actually feeling the emotions you want to be feeling! 

So I’ve designed this challenge to be exactly that.

Have More Questions?

How does the Morning Meditation Challenge Work?
Starting January 1, you'll get a full lesson on morning meditation practice from me every day. 

You’ll also get access to a private membership area with meditation downloads, workbooks & bonus material.

You can also join the Jungle Man Sam Facebook group to connect with other likeminded people to receive support & accountability on your journey of finding Peace, Freedom, and Flow in your meditations.
I don’t use Facebook, is it required to take the challenge?

Yes absolutely! The challenge is perfect for you even if you’re new to meditation. I’ve made the recordings so simple and actionable that even a child can take this challenge and enjoy immensely.
Is the Morning Meditation Challenge right for me if I'm a beginner?
All the lessons will delivered to your private membership area to you don’t need to join the Facebook group to be able to take the challenge.

 However, it is recommended to join the group as there are so many likeminded people who can support you and help you with any challenges you are experiencing. If you don’t have a Facebook profile you can simply create one just for this challenge.

I’ve tried meditating before but it hasn’t worked for me. What makes this different?
What makes this different is that this is a step-by-step program on how to build a meditation practice. I will be personally holding you by the hand, telling you what to do in the lessons and the meditations.

 In addition to that, you get the group to hold you accountable so you stay committed to the challenge. As you long as you do the practice most days in the challenge, you will experience a positive internal shift over the 11 days and beyond.
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